|Are you an entrepreneur with a bunch of legal questions about startups, but you don’t know who to ask?
|Every Friday from 2:00 to 4:00pm, Startup Terrace resident & partner Willbang Startup Law Firm provides free, simple legal consultation services in Startup Terrace A6, room2004c. Click here
|Startup Terrace resident & partner Durbun MES Solutions, Inc. provides financial, legal consultation services in Startup Terrace A6, 7F, room701B. Click here
|IPR Consultation
Intellectual Property Office of MOEA cooperates with Startup Terrace and offers ONE-ON-ONE on-line consulting service toward Taiwan intellectual property rights (IPR).
Please make an appointment by email (annfan@iii.org.tw) and you will receive a confirmation Email in 2 days upon the submission.
Noticed: No service on national holidays and must make a reservation two days in advance.